蔣曾昏迷半年 國人渾然不知 蔣曾昏迷半年 國人渾然不知 http://tw.news.yahoo.com/article/url/d/a/090513/4/1je2l.html It is a lie. Because it is not clearly stated in your Government formal record. H 濾桶ow dare I say it is a lie? Because any integrity writer would not "Fun.Mar.Hold.Power", like Chinese said "4.Jer.Jway.Duck", 節能燈具you stupid bad ugly evil liar indeed had that first hand sight, how dare you not disclosed at that on time alive? how dare you cannot have the 591 good will to keep it inside yourself along your deadly body to hide? A writer cannot have the basic integrity guts to write at the first place when the figure talked 汽車借款still alive, how dare you take his or her writing for granted? You should kill that stupid bad ugly evil 陶涵 to make him or her to die for the crime to ride on 《蔣介石傳》 to got high o 辦公室出租r hired, like Chinese said "Ren.Way.China.4". It is a lie. Because you don't need to be a good Chinese traditional doctor can know that 蔣夫人 must have no way to live over 100 years old had she indeed got so 房屋出租 called breast cancer. (這年十月,蔣夫人發現患乳癌,需化療,為免蔣擔心,編個理由,說是「感冒了」。一九七四年,夫人必須動乳房切除手術,於是又編個理由,說是到美國走一趟。). Not mention had indeed even 蔣介石 did not know 蔣夫人 got can 酒店經紀cer, that stupid bad ugly evil so called 陶涵 must have no way to know things like that. Had that stupid bad ugly evil 陶涵 indeed knew things like that, he or she dare shamelessly lawlessly Godlessly committed "Way.Food.Boot.Ren" crimes to make personal 小額信貸gang or gain on dead defenseless body personal gossip, that stupid bad ugly evil so called 陶涵 must be killed and go to hells immediately. 0f course, you can have all your right to question any your public figure personal, however, if you don't have guts to place that persona 土地買賣l question while that public figure still alive, you must have to be forced to keep your lips tight after that figure already become defenseless dead body no way to talk.   .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 燒烤  .

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